Fulltone FPS-2 9 Volt Power Adapter
I don't like "Switched Mode" power supplies! Why? Because they usually add noise when used with audio products. How do you know if it's a "switched mode" supply? Easy...a switched mode transformer automatically can take any voltage from 100 to 240. Sounds convenient, but at what cost?
The other problem with 99.9% of all wall-wart adapters is that they are NOT regulated, some straying up to 13 volts or so, causing hum and horrible tone. Enter the Fulltone FPS series (200 ma.) regulated adapters... dead quiet... and exactly 9 volts whether your voltage browns to 100 or spikes to 130. All models have the standard 2.1mm x 5.5mm ends.
The FPS-2 has a Positive Center Pin and is designed ONLY for use with theOctafuzz, SoulBender and '69, as well other pedals that requre 9v positive-center power.
The other problem with 99.9% of all wall-wart adapters is that they are NOT regulated, some straying up to 13 volts or so, causing hum and horrible tone. Enter the Fulltone FPS series (200 ma.) regulated adapters... dead quiet... and exactly 9 volts whether your voltage browns to 100 or spikes to 130. All models have the standard 2.1mm x 5.5mm ends.
The FPS-2 has a Positive Center Pin and is designed ONLY for use with theOctafuzz, SoulBender and '69, as well other pedals that requre 9v positive-center power.